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Indore: Innovations in digital building infra relevant for Smart City Project

Legrand Group India director Sameer Saxena here on Monday said innovations in electrical and digital building infrastructure is relevant for Smart City Project. 

“The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is making it easier for buildings with legacy infrastructure to save energy and improve their sustainability. However, interoperability is essential condition for IoT development,” he said while delivering a talk on, ‘Product innovation and development – Customers perspective’ at IIT Indore.

The talk was organised by Centre of Industry Relations at IIT Indore under lecture series.

Saxena said industry should adopt open and interoperable languages and APIs. “This willl enable third parties to connect to its solutions to offer new services and functionalities, thereby creating added value for end user,” he added.  He said product developer should remember this. “Greater the product change, greater the potential for a breakthrough. The bigger the behaviour change, the bigger the resistance from consumers.”

Source: The FreePress Journal

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