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India To Be Guest Country At Paris Book Fair 2020

New Delhi, Jan 7 (IANS) India is slated to be the guest country at the Paris book fair -- Livre Paris - in March, third time after 2002 and 2007.

As part of a reciprocal invitation, France will be the guest of honour at the New Delhi World Book Fair in 2022.

"We don''t hear the voices of India enough. The French don''t know Indian literature enough. This effort will try to represent the vastness and depth of Indian literature in France," said Bertrand de Hartingh, Counsellor for Education, Science and Culture, Embassy of France, and Director of the French Institute in India.

Around 15 Indian publishers and 30 leading and budding Indian authors from most Indian languages, will be invited to Paris to meet French readers and participate in events, talk and debates.

"Livre Paris will aim at creating a special ''Indian moment'' in France, with cultural and lecture side programmes in libraries, bookshops and cultural landmarks in Paris and other cities in France."

The Paris Book Fair, dubbed Europe''s most important literary and publishing appointment, will be a showcase of the country''s new authors, works and the large publishing industry.

France is keen to engage with India in the publishing sector in all its diversity, through translations, publishing incentives, literary exchanges and more, the French spokesperson said.

The Indian contingent at the Fair will be represented by the iconic Oxford Bookstore pavilion led by Priti Paul, Apeejay Surrendra Group. The partner is National Book Trust, while the India pavilion will be designed by the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

Source : Outlook

Image Source : Indulge Express

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