Event report

IFCCI Retail Committee Session on Trends in Retail for 2024

IFCCI, under the aegis of its Retail Committee, organized a webinar on ‘‘Trends in Retail for 2024’’, on Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

IFCCI, under the aegis of its Retail Committee, organized a webinar on ‘‘Trends in Retail for 2024’’, on Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

The Webinar witnessed discussions around the changing consumerism and the evolving trends in the Retail sector in India.

Ms. Shweta Pahuja, Regional Director-Western Region, IFCCI and SPOC, IFCCI Retail Committee, welcomed the Speakers and members. Mr. Satyen Momaya, Chairperson of the IFCCI Retail Committee and CEO, Celio Future Fashion, set the context for the discussion and shared his insights on the rapid evolution of the retail sector caused by shifts in consumer behavior and preferences. 

This was followed by the theme presentation by Mr. Abhishek Dubey, Partner, Trilegal, who talked about the current scenario of Indian retail market, the sectoral trends, anticipated growth, regulations relating to single-brand and multi-brand retail and the shift towards the ‘’phygital’’ market based on consumer preferences in buying retail products online and offline. He also shed light on the upscaling of commercial real estate and infrastructure with several high-profile retail stores like Apple, Gucci, and Cartier being opened at upscale locations like Jio World Drive, Mumbai that signifies the value-driven approach adopted by the Indian retail market. Additionally, he touched upon the several ways in which multiple foreign players can enter the Indian market through Joint Venture (JV) agreements.

Following his address, Mr. Rajat Yadav, Senior Manager, Invest India, mentioned the avenues for investing in India in this sector and elaborated on the growth of such investments in the past few years.

The webinar concluded with an interactive session with the participants and was attended by nearly 30 members.

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