Event report

IFCCI Retail Committee Session on DPDPA Act 2023

IFCCI under the aegis of its Retail Committee, organized a webinar on Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 on 13th October 2023.

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On 13th October (Friday) 2023, the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) under the aegis of its Retail Committee and in association with Trilegal organized a Webinar on Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 highlighting the implications of the Act on the retail sector in India.

Ms. Shweta PAHUJA, IFCCI Retail Committee SPOC and Regional Director (Western Region), IFCCI welcomed the members for the Session.
This was followed by the theme address by Mr. Ganesh PARMESWARAN, Vice Chairperson IFCCI Retail Committee and General Counsel – MEA, India, APAC & Group Supply Chain, BIC Cello. He set the context for the discussion and introduced the speaker Mr. Jaideep REDDY, Partner, Trilegal.

Mr. Jaideep Reddy led the core subject emphasizing on the key aspects of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, a detailed comparison with the GDPR and the scope and applicability of the law. During his presentation, he highlighted the takeaways for the entities from each of the terms of the Act concerning data fiduciaries, data processors and cross-border transfers. Additionally, he touched upon a privacy enforcement regime, voluntary undertakings and exemptions.

Over 50 participants from more than 40 IFCCI member companies attended this webinar.
An interactive Q&A session between Mr. Ganesh Parmeswaran, Mr. Jaideep Reddy andthe audience was the highlight of this session.

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