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IFCCI HR Conclave 2.0 Research Publication

Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organized the second edition of its flagship event HR Conclave 2.0 and HR Awards.

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Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organized the second edition of its flagship event HR Conclave 2.0 and HR Awards.

The theme of the conclave was 

'New World of Business: Work, Workplace and Worker'

The conclave was held in a virtual format on 10th and 11th February 2022.

The HR Conclave was spread over two days and was attended by more than 600 participants. 30+ Global CEO, CHRO's & HR Experts came together to discuss and share their perspectives around the HR Conclave theme : “ New World of Business”.

The members of the IFCCI Higher Education Committee have put together a Research Publication comprising of articles shared by various Education Institutes. These articles are centred around the theme of the IFCCI HR Conclave 2.0 : “New World of Business : New Work, Workplace and Worker”

We hope that you get some interesting takeaways and insights from the articles and that you can apply the same in your organisations.

Please find below the link to access the Research Publication:



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