
IFCCI : 30 French Companies To Attend Indo-French Investment Conclave In Goa

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI), in association with the Embassy of France, is organizing its second edition of the Indo-French Investment Conclave in Goa on 8th November 2018. Ms Sonia Barbry, Consul General of France in Mumbai, will lead a delegation of more than hundred leaders of Indian and French companies to the conclave.

The French companies, along with several more Indian firms, will participate in the second Indo-French Investment Conclave that will be held in Goa on November 8. The previous edition was held at Nagpur, Maharashtra and yielded investment proposals to the tune of Rs 12,000 crore, event convener Prasanna Mohile, said.

This year’s conclave will hold special significance as it will open many avenues for multi-lateral trade partnership between India and France in defence, aerospace, shipping and logistics, Mohile added. A 100-member strong French delegation is expected to participate.

Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Manoj Caculo, said the conclave will offer Goan industries a chance to expand operations and explore international trade. “Defence is a focus area,” said Caculo as he gave the example of several Goan firms that are presently in the defence sector.

Chief minister Pramod Sawant and Union minister of state for defence Shripad Naik, will be attending the event.

“France is eager to work with the Goan authorities to see how we can facilitate and encourage even more French companies to come, invest, manufacture and innovate in Goa,” said Consul General of France in Mumbai, Sonia Barbry.

Quite a few French firms have operations in Goa. Safran S A, an aircraft engine firm, has a tie-up with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd to set up a helicopter engine overhaul and repair facility at Honda.

Source - The Times of India 


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