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French, Indian Experts To Scour Waters Off Goa’s Coast

PANAJI: French and Indian researchers will soon be scouring the waters off Goa’s coast together. Researchers expect that this part of the seas may be home to some previously unexplored marine bioresources, which could hold a solution to the many unresolved problems of medical science.If the potential in any marine bioresource is identified, the researchers will try to replicate the resource chemically in the lab for their possible production as drugs for widespread medical conditions that still remain incurable.

French president Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently agreed on development of bilateral exchange in the fields of higher education and research. This has led to GOa ATlantic, a collaboration between Goa-based research organisations, led by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Goa, and Campus Mondial de la Mar (CMM), which represents the community of marine sciences and technology of Western Brittany in France. 

"Geographically, Western Brittany in France is very similar to Goa, and therefore, Goa was identified for the collaboration,” said IIT Goa director Barad Kant Mishra. “A team from France has already visited Goa. Consequently, a team of researchers from Goa is set to go to France in September, following which the research project work will begin.”

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