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France's Technique Solaire Secures 20-MW PV Project In Maharashtra

May 23 (Renewables Now) - French company Technique Solaire recently said it has won its second project in India, a 20-MW photovoltaic (PV) power plant to be built in 2019.

Following the commissioning of a 5-MW ground-mounted solar project in the state of Uttarakhand, the French firm, whose local subsidiary is called JLTM Energy India, secured the new project in a 1-GW tender in the state of Maharashtra.

Technique Solaire said that including projects won in the latest tenders in France by the Commission de Regulation de l’Energie (CRE), it now has a pipeline of 90 MWp PV projects to be constructed over the next 20 months. It will also start building this year its first biogas injection plant.

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