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France, Odisha In Cultural Exchange

Bhubaneswar: Delegates from the Embassy of France in India's cultural council held with state government officials on Thursday and announced setting up of cultural desks in both the city and Paris.

The desks will co-ordinate with various social groups, organisaitons and educational institutions to facilitate culture exchange programmes in France and Odisha.

The delegates are on a two-day visit of Odisha with the purpose of working in education, art and cultural in collaboration with the government.

Bertrand De Hartingh, counsellor for cooperation and cultural affairs in the embassy, said: "The desks will be set up at the same time and would promote cultural exchange in heritage, dance, art and music among others."

"Focus will also be on hosting workshops and events that promote cultural exchange," said the state government's culture secretary Manoranjan Panigrahy.

Alice Brunot, cultural attaché, visited the heritage village of Raghurajpur and interacted with the artisans. The French authorities also plan to collaborate with Raghurajpur International Art and Crafts Exchange, a cultural organisation that works at the village, and engage them in cultural exchange programmes.

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