Event report  •  Committees

First Meeting of IFCCI CSR Committee Meeting FY 2022-23

IFCCI's first CSR Committee Committee meeting on Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 at its offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai.


IFCCI under the aegis of its CSR committee, organized its first Committee meeting in hybrid format on Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 at its offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai. 

Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI welcomed the new leadership of the Committee - Chairperson Mr. Anurag Pratap, CSR Leader, Capgemini India and Vice Chairperson Mr. Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Vice President-Quality and Head-CSR,​Renault Nissan Technology & Business Centre India and presented the several initiatives undertaken by the Committee in the past, with a special mention of the French Solidarity Mission during COVID-19. 

Mr. Anurag Pratap and Mr. Ramakrishnan Ramanathan highlighted the focus areas identified by the Committee for this year and invited participants to share their views on the topics that are of key interest to members and wherein members would like to contribute and collaborate with the committee this year. 

They apprised the members about IFCCI obtaining the 80G Certification and the formation of CSR Foundation with the aim of working alongside its member companies for the benefit of society at large.  

Ms. Rishika Roy, Head - Committees & Partnership, IFCCI moderated the Interactive Session with committee members whereat members introduced themselves and shared their thoughts on the prospective initiatives. 

Some of the important ideas brought up during the discussion were: 

  • A Knowledge-sharing Session with CSR leaders  

  • Collaboration with other Committees at IFCCI to add value for the members  

  • To onboard NGOs and work jointly – organising a CSR Pitch Day for NGOs and other not for profit organisations 

Mr. Raj Cherubal, CEO, Chennai Smart City Ltd. gave a presentation on the opportunities for CSR Partnership for French and Indian companies and highlighted the list of places available for projects with an aim of accelerating sustainable development of Chennai focussing on greening and beautification of the city. 

Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Assistant Manager – Events, IFCCI shared details on the Committee’s flagship event 4th Edition of CSR Conclave and Awards, scheduled for 23rd November 2022 in New Delhi.   

Members offered support for the above-mentioned initiatives and the session concluded with a Vote of thanks by Ms. Rishika Roy, Head - Committees & Partnership, IFCCI.



About Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) 

Established in1977, the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce belongs to a worldwide network of 120 French Chambers (CCIFI) in 90 countries with over 33,000 companies. One of the most active bilateral chambers in India, the Indo-French Chamber is a private association that promotes mutually beneficial trade relations between India & France and caters for its members’ needs and interests. The Chamber has four offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and two representation in Chandigarh and Pune. 

For more information, please visit www.ifcci.org.in/ 

For committee enquiries, please contact: 

Aarushi Gautam 

Head - Assistant Manager - Events & Membership (North) 
E-mail: aarushi.gautam@ifcci.org.in 


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