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Fair Highlights Educational Opportunities In France

Campus France India (Education wing of the the French Government) in association with Galaxy Educational Consultants has organised the first France Education Fair in Puducherry.

Reputed engineering and business schools participated in the fair.

The event was organised to help students and parents choose a country for higher education; create awareness about France as a study destination, the scope and opportunities in France and about teaching methodology and research opportunities around the world. The fair helped students choose the right undergraduate and postgraduate courses, educate them about admission and visa guidance procedure, and shape their CV and motivation letter for both study and employment. The education fair began with the students registration at 9.30 a.m. The French institution delegates and Rhea Cheryl, Manager, Campus France India, inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp.

More than 500 students registered for the event and participated along with their parents. Reputed business schools like Audencia Business School, IESEG School of Management, NEOMA Business School and Rennes School of Business participated in the education fair along with top ranking engineering schools like Grenoble INP, Ecole Centrale Nantes, Ecole Centrale lille, INP Toulouse, IMT Atlantique, IMT Albi and ESIGELEC participated in the education fair.

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