Event report

Chennai : Workshop On 365 Days Of GST

IFCCI, following the successful workshop on GST held in Pondicherry, once again successfully organized a workshop on GST on 6th September at Bureau de France, Chennai. The event was organized in partnership with the Consulate General of France in Pondicherry and PwC.

The workshop was held in the presence of Ms. Catherine Suard, Consul General of France in Pondicherry and Mr. G. Ravindranath I.R.S., Commissioner, Central Excise & GST.

Following the welcome address by Ms. Merlin Sarah Simon, IFCCI and Ms. Catherine Suard, Mr. G. Ravindranath I.R.S., Commissioner – GST & Central Excise addressed the gathering on the various developments on GST, a year since it rolled out.

An interactive Q & A followed allowing participants interact with the commissioner to seek clarifications on GST related to their line of business and ground issues.

The main presentation by Mr. S. Vinodh, Director - Indirect Tax Practice, PwC gave deeper insightS on the topic. The presentation covered various aspects on the subject ranging fgrom an understanding on the magnitude of implantation of GST to the challenges faced across various industries.

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