Event report

Chennai : Networking Evening

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IFCCI, following the appointment of Mr. Yohann Samuel, Regional Director - Southern Chapter and in the presence of Ms. Catherine Suard, Consul General of France in Chennai and Pondicherry, along with Ms. Payal Kanwar, Director General IFCCI, welcomed its member participants from the Chennai region for a networking evening.

As one of the strong pillars of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry and a major hub for Indo-French collaborations, IFCCI Chennai hosted a networking evening to meet some of our key members and stakeholders to understand their specific needs to help us build a roadmap ahead.

The event began with Ms. Payal S. Kanwar addressing the gathering and introducing our new Regional Director Mr. Yohann Samuel. This was followed by a brief speech by Ms. Catherine Suard, Consul General of France in Chennai and Pondicherry who went on to congratulate our New Regional Director on his appointment.

Mr. Yohann Samuel took the event forward with a brief outlook on the restructuration of IFCCI Chennai and the road ahead for IFCCI’s Southern Chapter.

The evening ended with a networking session amongst the members gathered.

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