Event report

Chennai : Breakfast Session on GDPR

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) organized a breakfast session on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Chennai on Thursday, 22nd February 2018 at IFCCI’s boardroom. Ernst & Young, LLP was the Knowledge Partner for this session. The speakers were Mr. Ranjeeth Bellary – Director, FIDS, EY and Mr. Srikanth Rajaram – Director, Advisory, EY.

The event was attended by 6 Indian & French companies and the one and a half hour session proved to be very informative and a learning experience for all the participants. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable on 25 May 2018 and is applicable to all data controllers and processors established in EU as well as those established outside EU who possesses EU citizen data. To this effect the speakers focused on what GDPR really is, its applicability in India and how companies should prepare for compliance with GDPR. They also touched upon the consequences of non-compliance, implementation of GDPR and the category of companies for whom this regulation is applicable. 

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