Event report
Bangalore : Understanding Blockchain Technology
The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organised a workshop on understanding one of the most trending topics with massive implications in the future, ‘Blockchain Technology’. This event was held at the French Consulate in Bangalore on Friday, the 20th of July, in the presence of Mr. François Gautier, Consul General of France in Bangalore.
The speakers of this event included, Mr. Bikramaditya Singhal, Blockchain expert and AI Practitioner [Author of Spark for Data Science and Beginning Blockchain: A Beginner's Guide to Building Blockchain Solutions] and Mr. Shakthi Prasad, Hyperledger Certified Computer Engineer, also on the Board of Hypermine Technologies and Blockhaze. The discussion was to understand the basics of how the technology works with a background to its inception with one of the biggest cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin. The implications of Blockchain Technology and relevant use cases were discussed among various industries such as Energy, Supply Chain, Healthcare, Education, Legal, Food, Retail, Financial Services, Travel & Hospitality, Technology, Real Estate and also the Government.
The speakers conducted the session with an illustrative presentation, with a visual description of the workings of this technology. The event brought forth 40+ senior executives from the Indo-French business community and concluded with Tea, Coffee and Networking among the participants and speakers.