Event report

Bangalore : The Vizag Challenge - Bangalore Roadshow - $1mn Challenge

The Bangalore edition of the Vizag Roadshow, part of the Vizag Million Dollar Challenge - a global search for talented and aspiring Start-Ups that can contribute to the society under three categories - FinTech, AgriTech and EmergeTech, provided a platform to showcase the work to a panel of esteemed Jury members on Wednesday, 10th October 2018.

The Roadshow took place in five different cities and countries, Tel Aviv (Israel), Paris (France), London (United Kingdom), Hong Kong (China) and the last edition in Bangalore (India), where Start-ups were given an opportunity to participate in $1mn Challenge scheduled to take place in Vishakhapatnam between 20th – 24th October. This is an initiative by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, in line to promote the state as a completely digitized destination and their views and perspective to invest in companies which would help the people with the help of technology. 

There are twenty five shortlisted start-ups worldwide, who are invited to Vizag. These start-ups have won a cash prize of USD 10K each to attend the grand finale in October between 22nd – 26th. Two winners from the global roadshows will win a prize of USD 150k and USD 100k in each track.

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry was a partner at this prestigious event in Bangalore, through the IFCCI Start-up Committee and is proud to also have three judges on the pitch fest panel:

  • Mr. Pierre Arnaud CassinChairman IFCCI Start-up Committee and Managing Director, Ultraconfidentiel Design
  • Mr. Santosh K. Rao, Vice-Chairman IFCCI Start-up Committee and Co-Founder & CEO, SpotPlay
  • Mr. Rakesh Mishra, Member IFCCI Start-up Committee and Co-Founder & Global Chair, IIT Mentor 

The event commenced with a formal introduction of the Vizag Millon Dollar Challenge, followed by a brief Roundtable Discussions on the Potential of Indian Market with a focus of Andhra Pradesh. Succeeding the roundtable, there were presentations by Start-Ups from the FinTech, AgriTech and EmergeTech verticals. During the second half of the session, there were start-ups from around the world who participated through a virtual pitch. 

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