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Bangalore: Swiss Hospitality Group Launch Event in IFCCI, Bangalore

SHG, Swiss Hospitality Group inaugurated its first office in Bangalore at the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) on the 10th December 2019.

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SHG, Swiss Hospitality Group inaugurated its first office in Bangalore at the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) on the 10th December 2019. The ceremony was held in the presence of the Chief Guest: Dr. Jerome Bove, Scientific and academic attache in Bangalore, Embassy of France in India; along with Ms. Giselle Talampas, Global Admissions Manager, SHG; Ms. Florence Lesage, Academic Director, Alliance Francaise de Bangalore; Ms. Krusha Khakhar, Manager (Bangalore Office), Campus France; Mr. Sanjay Babu Tetakala, Admissions Manager India, SHG and Mr. Rajender Kumar, Admissions Manager Bangalore (India), SHG.

This new SHG Admission office will aid Indian students help in admission processes, facilitating students in becoming future managers in the Hospitality & Business Management.

During the press conference that was organised following the inaugural event, Dr. Jerome Bove stated that the Bangalore office would greatly benefit aspirants wishing to pursue their higher studies abroad.

Speaking at the occasion, Ms. Giselle Talampas said, “India is a potential market for us, and we are looking at a positive response from Indian students.  SHG is the only institute which guarantees a paid internship for 6 months for all students. We are looking at students from various income groups, ranging from middle class to upper middle class. We also help students with finance options offered by leading banks and Scholarships for deserving students.”

About SHG (Swiss Hospitality Group), with its head office based in Geneva, Switzerland. SHG Group, operating several schools in France and Switzerland catering to global aspirants, provides Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate programs specialised in Hospitality & Business Management. SHG Schools in Switzerland (SHG Geneva), in France (SHG Paris, SHG Lyon, SHG Nice, SHG Strasbourg and SHG Marseille) are operational with different specialisations like Hospitality (IHM), Business (IBM), Cruising Hospitality, Yachting Hospitality, French Gastronomy and developing many more special courses in the campuses.

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