Event report

Bangalore : IFCCI CSR Roundtable in partnership with Societe Generale Global Solution Centre

On the 17th of January, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre in association with the Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI), organized a breakfast meet to understand the approach of well-established Indo-French companies with respect to their CSR initiatives.

This closed-door event was attended by companies such as Alstom, Toyota Kirloskar, Capgemini, Accenture, AXA & Capgemini and was held in the presence of Ms. Sylvie Prea, Director of CSR, Societe Generale and Ms. Veronique Sani, CEO, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre along with the COO, Head of Communication & Head of CSR, with other members of Societe Generale who joined the session from Paris & Bucharest.

The breakfast meeting was held at Leela Palace Bengaluru, with a knowledge sharing session to understand the CSR initiatives of the participating organizations and to explore possible collaborative efforts in the CSR space. This meeting also served as a precursor to the Societe Generale GSC CSR Conclave held the same afternoon.

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