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A Glittering Display of Indo-French Relationship

Jaipur: There couldn't have been a more spectacular setting for an Indo-French cultural collaboration than Amber fort in Jaipur.

Set in the Ganesh Pol at the Amber Fort, the grand opening of Bonjour India illustrated the mesmerizing story of the relationship between India and France.

'It's a great joy that I am inaugurating the new version of Bonjour India at this beautiful place. No date could have been a better-chosen date as the city of Jaipur was founded on 18th November 1727. Since then our relationship with India has grown. You will get to see this strength taking form through some of the very unique events in Delhi followed by Mumbai and later in Kolkata. Bonjour India will focus on providing access to one and all under the key areas of Creativity, Innovation and partnership," said Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France.

The Ganesh Pol stood transformed as a true melange of Indo-French culture, exhibited an exceptional evening where two of France's most renowned artists, Xavier de Richemont video painter and 3 Michelin star Chef Alain Passard, presented creations that have been produced from their collaborations with India.

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