WEBINAR : Impact of COVID-19 on Retail & Consumer Goods and Services Sector
Event ended.
The IFCCI Retail and Consumer Goods Committee is jointly organising a webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on Retail & Consumer Goods Sector in association with Trilegal on Wednesday, 8th April from 15H00-16H30
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has in so many ways impacted the Retail and the Consumer goods sector. It has brought businesses to a standstill with major breakages in the entire management and supply chain contracts linked to these sectors.
Our experts will bring forth the industry experience during this crisis, the challenges faced as well as the new trends and developments that companies can adopt in the future.
Agenda of the webinar would be as follows:
- Impact of Covid-19 on Consumer Goods by Mr. Mohan Kumar, Executive VP & Wholetime Director, Michelin India & Chairman IFCCI Consumer Goods & Services Committee
- Impact of Covid-19 on Management & Supply Chain Contracts in Retail & CG&S by Ms. Upasana Rao, Partner at Trilegal
- New Trends & Way forward by Mr. François Arpels, Founder & Managing Partner, Brands & Beyond & Chairman IFCCI Retail Committee
- Followed by a Q&A session
Kindly send in your confirmation to ashish.shukla@ifcci.org.in at the earliest. The webinar link will be shared upon confirmation.
WEBINAR : Impact of COVID-19 on Retail & Consumer Goods and Services Sector
Event ended.