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Bangalore : IFCCI Roundtable Meeting With Government of Karnataka


Event ended.

IFCCI is organizing a roundtable meeting with Shri. JagadishShettar, Minister of Large and Medium Scale Industries and Mr. Gaurav Gupta (IAS), Principal Secretary for Commerce and Industries, Government of Karnataka in the presence of H.E Emmanuel Lenain, Ambassador of France to India and Dr. Marjorie Vanbaelinghem, Consul General of France in Bangalore along with Heads of French companies invested in Karnataka over lunch on Tuesday, 19th of November 2019, to discuss the ease of doing business in Karnataka.

The main objective of this roundtable discussion is to bring together French companies operating in the state of Karnataka along with companies interested to invest in the state sharing their feedback and experience with the relevant authorities on the ease of doing business in the state.

Kindly note: this event is by invitation only.

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