Webinar • COVID-19 • Event report Supply chain • Industrie
Webinar: Impact of COVID-19 on the Trends in the Consumer Goods Industry
IFCCI organized a Webinar on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Trends in the Consumer Goods Industry on Thursday, 27th August 2020.
Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a Webinar on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Trends in the Consumer Goods Industry on Thursday, 27th August 2020.
The Session commenced with Opening Remarks by Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI, followed by Welcome Address by Mr. Mohan Kumar, Chairman, IFCCI CG&S Committee. He briefed the participants about the committees initiatives and set the context for the discussion.
Mr. Saumitra Sehgal, Managing Partner, Roland Berger India gave a comprehensive overview on the subject through a presentation, which highlighted on the following aspects:-
- Consumer sentiments in India since April 2019 in the Consumer Goods Industry
- Consumer behavior during COVID-19
- The varying impact of the crisis on different consumer goods sectors such as Pharma, retail, consumer durables, lifestyle & fashion.
- Emergence of key global trends in short run and long run - advanced technology & e-commerce.
Ms. Brinder Rault, Head of Department (Lifestyle, Luxury, Healthcare), Business France shared her insights on the presence of French companies in India in the consumer goods segment and the importance of digital marketing and e-commerce during the unprecedented times.
Mr. Imran Haque, Partner, Roland Berger India, was in conversation with Ms. Axelle Descamps, Country Manager, Carrefour Trading Asia Ltd., Mr. Shunmugavel Ramaswamy, Industry Leader - Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Dassault Systèmes India and Mr. Alamjit Singh Sekhon, Acting Country Head, Fromageries Bel India wherein they discussed in detail the impact of COVID-19 on different segments of this Industry, changing trends, challenges faced and emerging opportunities for the companies.
This was followed by a Q&A Session.
Mr. Sumit Dasgupta and Mr. Manos Nikolakis, Vice Chairmen of CG&S Committee shared their remarks on the subject and presented the highlights of the Discussion.
Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Assistant Manager, Events & Membership (North) moderated and concluded the session thanking Speakers, Participants and Event Partners Dassault Systems & Pernod Ricard India, for a successful and insightful session.
It was an interactive session with over 55 participants joining the session.
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