Event report

Webinar : Challenges faced by Indian, French and German companies in Maharashtra caused by Nationwide Covid-19 Lockdown

IFCCI in collaboration with the IGCC and the Minister of Industries and Mining of Maharashtra organized an interactive webinar

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Mr. Summet Anand, President, IFCCI, welcomed the hon’ble minister and stated Maharashtra is the home base of our Indo-French Chamber members in India with leading investments in business and CSR activities. He also mentioned that IFCCI is glad to have the support of the Govt. of Maharashtra in these delicate times.

Ms. Sonia Barbry, Consul General of France to India thanked the government of Maharashtra for their unending efforts and co-operation in these difficult times while requesting the minister to strongly support the local authority and to help continue smoothly run business operations.

The webinar highlighted the discussion ranging from the state migrant workers to convince appealing to local guides and expanding trade in their state. Mr. Desai who acknowledged the French and German presence in the state of Maharashtra emphasized on 'Mahaparvan'' the master license to start production and grant permission to operations. Highlighting the strength of investors, he spoke of the industrial management and the measures to be taken care of while establishing this cordial relationship with a mutual interest.

The webinar was followed by a series of questions by the distinguished participants who spoke of the challenges they faced and the liberties & support they look forward to from the government in these crucial times of Covid-19.

Mr. Desai then assured that the government will consider and take care of the industrial investments. Especially of the SME's and help tackle the operational issues like non-essential services, export-oriented business, equipment for defense sector and ago based goods processing. Before concluding his speech, Mr. Desai wished luck and strength to all machinery of all chambers.

Director General of IFCCI, Ms. Payal S Kanwar and Director General of IGCI- Mr. Bernhard Steinrücke shared their vote of thanks to the honorable minister and the participants for their valuable time and cooperation. The webinar was well received and appreciated by all.

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