The Chamber

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry signs agreement with Business France India

New Delhi, 20th December 2016: The Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) has announced the signing of a partnership agreement with Business France India in accordance with a global strategic partnership, for the international development of French SME’s between Business France and the Union of French Chambers Abroad (CCI France International) in Paris.


Mr. Pierre Behnam, President of IFCCI and Mr. Thibaut Fabre, Director of Business France India signed the agreement during the annual meeting of French Foreign Trade Advisors at the Embassy of France in New Delhi, in the presence of the Ambassador of France in India, H.E. Mr. Alexandre Ziegler.


The aim behind this move is to be able to present a more structured approach for assisting French SMEs on their India-expansion plans. IFCCI and Business France wish to put forward a unique offering to these companies in order to coordinate efforts in a simple and clear manner. On this occasion, IFCCI President, Mr. Pierre Behnam said: “Both our organizations have already been working closely together and our interests will only deepen. As part of the Team France, we also need to remain strong and united as is the case with our counterparts in other countries. A strong network of 115 French Chambers of Commerce currently operate in more than 85 countries internationally. The segregation of roles is now clearly defined with the Chambers that will cater to company set up phase and networking events and Business France that will cater to the entry strategy of these companies in India.”


Photo Caption Left to Right: Mr. Jean Marc Fenet, Minister-Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Mr. Thibault Fabre, Director Business France, Mr. Pierre Behnam, President, IFCCI, H.E Mr. Alexander Ziegler, Ambassador of France to India, Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Secretary General, IFCCI


About IFCCI: The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a bilateral chamber of commerce whose main activity is to promote commercial and industrial exchanges between France and India. Established in 1977, the chamber ranks among the most dynamic bilateral chambers in India. It has four regional offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai and a team of 23 staff under Secretary General, Mrs. Payal S. Kanwar. It has 2 main missions: To welcome companies setting up in India by proposing a set of services. Its second role is to provide the services to the 560 French and Indian companies that are members of its network. (


The Chamber houses within itself, the offices of representation of the CCI Paris Ile de France and the CCI Reunion Island; the Chamber works very closely with the French institutions in India, the French Embassy, ​​Business France, the Consulates and the economic services.


For its 560 members; the Chamber proposes activities of exchange of information in the form of events by organizing about a hundred operations per year. It offers print and digital publications of current affairs from the two countries and major changes underway. One of the specialties of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry is its advocacy activity, serving as a facilitator between its members and Indian government institutions, both nationally and at the state level. As an example, the roundtables and meetings organized with the Chief Ministers of several states (Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu) allowed several members to address their problems and find solutions with the local administration.


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