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Regatta To Be An Annual Affair

Beginning at 10 a.m. on the Republic Day, the second day of international regatta competition took off with sailors participating in Race 3, 4 and 5.

Nearly 74 participants from across the world are participating in the ‘Sailing the East Coast’ – an Indo-French sailing regatta that is being held from January 25 to 28.

While Ambassador of France to India Alexandre Ziegler has announced that this regatta will be an annual competition in Puducherry drawing more competitors from abroad, Chief Minister V.Narayanasamy plans to make all efforts to entice domestic and foreign tourists to the coastal town.

This event is one of the flagship programmes of Bonjour India 2017-2018.

10 individual races

A regatta consists of 10 individual races sailed in a fleet racing format.

The sailor who excels over all the series of races from January 25 to 28 will be declared the winner. Competitors are expected to go around a course that is trapezoidal in shape for a distance of 3 km with each race lasting about an hour.

The results of Race 5 were announced on Friday. Ishtiaq scored first in Seabird class sailboat competition, Anahata Sundaramurthy in 420 class sailboat competition, Harshita Tomar in Laser – 4.7 and Karim Sofione in Laser Radical.

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