Webinar  •  Event report

PAN India : Webinar on Opportunities arising from India's Stimulus Package and other reforms

IFCCI in association with Link Legal India Law Services and UGGC Avocats organized a Webinar



IFCCI in association with Link Legal India Law Services and UGGC Avocats organized a Webinar on Opportunities arising from India’s Stimulus Package and other reforms on Thursday, 4th June 2020.

Ms. Rishika Roy, Head Committees & Events (North), opened the session and welcomed the Speakers and Participants.

Mr. Nusrat Hassan, Co-Managing Partner, Link Legal India Law Services delivered the Theme Address wherein he talked about the unprecedented economic reforms undertaken by the Government of India in times of the current crises caused by COVID-19, in the light of improving and simplifying doing business in India, with a focus on the MSME sector, which is the backbone of the Indian economy.

This was followed by comprehensive presentations from both Indian and French perspectives by Mr. Milind Jha, Partner, Link Legal India Law Services and Mr. Fabien Gagnerot, Avocat à la Cour, UGGC Avocats respectively. They discussed in detail the reforms in various laws governing the companies act, land acquisition, taxation and IPR. The excellent economic, diplomatic and cultural relations between India and France were also highlighted.

The subsequent panel discussion entailed discussion on the subject and underscored the challenges faced by the Governments of both the countries. It was agreed that it is important to work both on demand and supply side to ensure smooth and easier recovery of the economy and that this is the best time for French technology, banking and food processing companies amongst others to explore the Indian market and further the Indo-French business relations.

It was an insightful session with over 65 participants joining the Session and involved an interesting Q&A Session. The Session was concluded by a vote of thanks by Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Assistant Manager, Events & Membership (North).


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