Webinar • Event report
PAN India : Webinar on How Soft Power and Business are Intertwined yet how little we know: The case of K-Pop in Indonesia
IFCCI with Kedge Business school organized a webinar on How Soft Power and Business are Intertwined yet how little we know.

IFCCI in association with Kedge Business school organized a webinar on "How Soft Power and Business are Intertwined yet how little we know: The case of K-Pop in Indonesia" on February 10, 2021.
Our Speaker, Prof. Peter von Staden, France Director of EA-DBA Program, KEDGE Business School, explained the meaning of soft power and shared the key trends impacting soft power strategies. He discussed about the decision-making power of businesses and the relationship between Hard and Soft power by showing the example of South Korea’s much-loved K-Pop stars.
The session ended with an interactive Q&A round.