Event report

Mumbai : Seminar On Employee Wellness At A Workplace

IFCCI in association Sanofi Pasteur organised a seminar in Mumbai on Employee Wellness at a Workplace. Investing in workplace wellness initiatives has positive effects on the employees’ health and a company’s health. It is often seen that a healthy employee can bring an array of benefits to the businesses they work for.  

The workshop covered the following points:

  • How to prioritize; need based wellness programs in organization’s strategy.
  • Harnessing the power of preventive wellness at work. What clue HR leaders can take from the current healthcare trends?
  • As the pressing concerns of budgets prevail, how to prepare a business case to get buying in of C-level executives.
  • How to keep healthy, while at work (sitting right? Importance of Ergonomics at workplace).

The seminar was well received and was marked the presence of 20 attendees.

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