Event report

Mumbai : Roundtable Discussion With The Government of Maharashtra And MIDC

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It was an eve of acknowledgement for The Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry which has been instrumental with regards to attracting investments from France to India and Maharashtra. Moreover, to strengthen this relationship further, MIDC in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organized a round-table discussion led by the state’s leadership on Thursday, 22nd August 2019 at The Gateway Room, The Taj Mahal Palace, Apollo Bandar, Colaba, Mumbai between 17:30-18:30 hrs.

The objective of this meeting was to understand the expectations fromthe Indo French industry which will help the government in facilitating support to create a cohesive environment for their expansion India. Ms. Shweta Pahuja, Head of Business Support Services and Ms. Tracy Fernandes, Manager of Events and Membership at IFCCI represented the chamber in a very unique forum with Consul Generals & Trade Associations. They highlighted the challenges faced by the French companies in Maharashtra and discussed investment opportunities between respective countries and state.

It was quite an interactive session which led to thoughtful engagements of unique concepts and actionable thoughts.  The chamber is extremely grateful to the Government of Maharashtra, CII and MIDC for such a worthy platform where IFCCI could continue to promote and encourage the Indo French trade relations.

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