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Monaco : Economic e-Mission

IFCCI organised a virtual Economic mission in partnership with Monaco Economic Board (MEB) on 16th March 2021.

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Mr. Guillaume Rose, CEO, MEB opened the session and welcomed the distinguished speakers and guests. This was followed by welcome remarks by our two Ambassadors, H.E. Jawed Ashraf, Ambassador of India in France and Monaco who shared insights on the current economic scenario of both the economies and as to how Monaco based companies can explore business possibilities in India across sectors such as energy, climate, tech/innovation, manufacturing and logistics etc. H.E. Patrick Medecin, Ambassador of Monaco in India shared his views on the scope that exists for enhancing and diversifying trade relations on both sides.

Post this, opening remarks were shared by Mr. Sumeet Anand, President, IFCCI and Founder, IndSight Growth Partners with highlights on the different industries where India and Monaco have established business connections. He also mentioned the major opportunities that exist for collaboration with Monegasque companies in cutting edge technology and in the services sector in India. Mr. Guillaume Rose, CEO, MEB and Mr. Justin Highman, Deputy CEO, MEB then shared the Economic presentation of Monaco which was followed by a presentation on Economic & Financial sector in India by Mr. Aymeric De Reynies, Vice President, IFCCI Mumbai and Senior Country Officer India, Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank. He spoke about the banking system in India, general market conditions as well as relevant economic data.

Thereafter Mrs. Souad Tenfiche, CEO, Link Innovations (formerly known as NUMA) shared insights on the start-up ecosystem in India and discussed the key trends that have led to India’s exponential growth with respect to start-ups. This was followed by a presentation on the Renewable Energy sector in India by Mr. Jose-Ignacio Sanz Saiz, Country Chair, Total India and Vice President, Total Gas, Renewables & Power in India. He spoke about the present energy situation/consumption in India and its evolution in the future. He also mentioned about the transformation of Total Oil towards a carbon neutral company and as to how Total Oil is contributing to the development of the clean energy sector in India. Later Mr. M C Thomas, Managing Director, Tata Steel Mining shared a presentation on the Trading of Raw materials with insights on India's raw material status as well as potential opportunities of trade that India offers. 

This was followed by vote of thanks by Mrs. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI and closing remarks by Mr. Guillaume Rose, CEO, MEB. The economic session was attended by a huge audience with companies from India and Monaco. The conference session was then followed by a series of personalised virtual B2B meetings between Indian and Monaco based companies. Over 50 customised B2B meetings were conducted successfully for 13 Monegasque companies. 

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