Event report

Les Histoires de Demain / Stories of Tomorrow 2022

IFCCI partnered with TNP India to host the 'The Stories of Tomorrow 2022' in Mumbai on the theme “How can Green and Digital boost the economy?"

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In 2015, TNP launched the “Stories of Tomorrow (HDD)” series in Paris as an annual flagship event focalised on two themes: digital transformation and financial regulation. Designed to facilitate knowledge-sharing and networking, HDD champions TNP’s hybrid DNA – the dynamic merger between business know-how and technological innovation. After France, Luxembourg and Morocco, HDD happened for the first time in India.

The opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Sumeet Anand, President, Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI). He spoke about the growing influence of green and sustainability in India and how the younger generation is intensely interested in working with companies where there’s a focus on sustainable development

Mr. Jean-Marc Sere-Charlet, Consul General of France in Bombay, delivered the Keynote Address where he emphasised the long-standing partnership between India and France, especially in the arena of sustainable development projects, and the need to design a long-term trajectory that integrates environmental consciousness in businesses and investors.

The first panel focussed on the theme: “Green business models: Delivering value to customers while encouraging sustainability”
The moderator for this panel was Mr. Matthieu LEBEURRE, Partner, TNP and the panellists were:
Mr. Toby LAWSON, Chief Executive & Chief Country Officer, Societe Generale India
Mr. Nicolas BOCKHOFF, Chief Operating Officer, Suez in India 
Ms. Nidhi SOMANI, Trade Advisor, Business France India

Our panellists discussed vital issues such as the need to regulate the financial sector in the light of climate change, water management and its impact on sustainability in the country, along with the strong environmental leaning exhibited by French companies investing in India in the present time.

The second panel directed its attention to the topic: "Global Green Transition & India: Embracing digital skills & innovation"
The moderator for this panel was Mr. Govindraj ETHIRAJ, Journalist & founder-editor, IndiaSpend, and the panellists were:
Mr. Ganeshan MURUGAIYAN, Managing Director, Head of Corporate Coverage and Advisory - India, BNP Paribas
Mr. José IGNACIO SANZ SAIZ, Country Chair (India) and Vice President - Gas, Renewables & Power, Total Energies
Mr. Benoit RANINI, President & Co-founder, TNP

The panel centred its discourse on green transition as a viable opportunity to deliver sustainable energy to end consumers and how digital transformation and new technological innovation opens up an entirely new world to dynamic business models.

Mr Benoit RANINI, President, TNP, extended the Vote of thanks to all speakers and guests for their kind support and participation. The event was followed by a networking dinner.

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