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Kochi Metro Rail Limited, AFD Share ‘A World In Common’

KOCHI: Kochi Metro Rail Limited, French funding agency AFD, the Alliance Française de Thiruvananthapuram and the Chavara Cultural Centre have come together and opened a travelling photo exhibition named ‘A World in Common’ to celebrate 10 years of partnership between India and the AFD. The exhibition highlights their collaboration on projects that promote sustainability in all its dimensions – social, economic and environmental.

Mayor Soumini Jain has inaugurated the exhibition on Saturday.   The expo seeks to highlight some concrete examples of the collaboration between India and the AFD, as illustrated in projects such as the  Kochi Metro project which promotes sustainability.  It also has photos on  projects on protection of the rich biodiversity of Assam, solar power in Rajasthan. The exhibition will be on till February 28 and is part of the programme Bonjour India 2017/2018. AFD has provided two tranches of financings of EUR 360 million for Kochi Metro till now.

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