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Indian International School of Engineering, INSOFE, establishes its European Campus in Rennes School of Business, France

This collaboration, signed during the Knowledge Summit in Lyon (France), is the extension of the first joined degree agreement signed in 2018 between INSOFE and Rennes School of Business. This agreement is designed to establish a cooperation in teaching, research and joint projects between the two institutions.

The aim of this new agreement is to promote closer ties among French and Indian universities. The two institutions agreed on October 17th to establish a European campus of INSOFE in France, on the premises of Rennes School of Business, in order to facilitate international expansion and joint collaboration of the Institutes, building on the experience of successful world-class joint academic programs. 

The campus will act as an educational and resource center for affiliated students and faculty, promoting and servicing the development of the research and academic capacity, expanding exchange and joint programs and projects.

Specifically, the initiative includes joint activities in the following areas:

  • A European campus of INSOFE in France, on the premises of Rennes School of Business
  • A Joint Research Centre  in Artificial Intelligence and Business
  • More joint degree programmes such as MSC Data and Business Analytics in Healthcare or specialized in IOT/AI
  • Affiliation of faculty from INSOFE to Rennes School of Business for effective attachment to Rennes School of Business
  • Exchange students, faculty and staff members
  • Develop opportunities of DBAs in Data Science
  • Exchange academic materials and other information of common interest
  • Exchange and/or cooperation in special short-term programs and projects.
  • Creation of the Lab for Artificial Intelligence Solutions in Education Business (LAISEB)

This agreement, signed for a first period of 5 years, can be renewed by mutual consent.


About Rennes School of Business

Rennes School of Business is an International School of Management located in Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany. Rennes School of Business offers the opportunity to experiment with various management practices in different areas of the world and develop essential skills at the service of companies. Cosmopolitan School of Management - 95% of professors and 55% of students are international - Rennes School of Business offers a wide range of programmes which mission is to enable students to act effectively beyond the frame and to invent the world of tomorrow. #unframedthinking

Accredited EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA | 4500 students | 300 major partner universities on 5 continents.


INSOFE is a world class research, consulting and graduate education institution with a focus in Data Science, AI and Machine Learning. Extending the horizon beyond a perception that Data Science is a specialization in computer science, we recognize the discipline as a fundamental alternative that practices deductive Science with Data.  We work hard to bake Data Science way of solving problems in many domains like healthcare, supply chain, financial markets and robotics.  We are passionate about teaching applied engineering in a technology intensive industry.  We cascade this learning through our work with CXOs, Non tech leaders, tech leaders and executives. We believe it will change the world for good.

INSOFE specializes in

  • Creating innovative academic programs in applications of data science in various domains.  
  • Researching the changing roles within the enterprise due to proliferation of Data Science 
  • Create & offer suitable intervention driven hands-on programs for each of these roles.   
  • Conducting research, building IP, innovating products and consulting with companies to help solve some extremely challenging real world problems.

15 Full-time Faculty | 7 Adjunct Faculty | 40+ Data Scientists | 6000+ Alumni

Press Contact:

Sabine Havard –Communication and Press Relations Officer

00 33 2 99 54 63 95 – sabine.havard(@)


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