Webinar • Event report
IFCCI Indo-French Tech Committee: Leadership Meeting, Friday, 29th January 21
IFCCI organized a leadership meeting for its Technology Committee with an aim to draw a charter/vision for the year 2021.
Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a leadership meeting for its Technology Committee with an aim to draw a charter/vision for the year 2021.
The Session commenced with a Welcome Address by Mr. Priyank PRAKASH, IFCCI Spoc IFCCI Technology Committee, IFCCI, followed by extensive insights about the committee’s initiatives in 2020 and a set context for the discussion for the participants. He also briefed participants with a presentation about the past few months activities which were organized within the group.
The Committee’s Chairman, Mr. Clifton MENEZES & India Head of Group Portfolio, Capgemini and Vice- Chairman Mr. Ranjeet GOSWAMI & Head - Corporate Affairs, Govt. Relations & Public Policy, Tata Consultancy Services joined the session and briefly introduced themselves and opened the discussion with their valuable insights.
This was followed by an intensive discussion between participants from Altran, Blue Copper Technologies, Capgemini India, Famoco, HCL Technologies, PRIME BIZ, Sonepar India, Tata Consultancy Services, Expleo Group India, Safran Engineering Services & PSA.
The objective of the meeting was to brainstorm with the committee leadership and its members to understand any ideas or expectations that will help to design the roadmap ahead for the next financial year. In order to come to a common ground in regards to different activities ranging from advocacy, knowledge platform or different collaborations.
It was an interactive session with over 20 participants joining the session.