Event report
IFCCI Cross Country CFO Webinar
IFCCI CFO Committee and French Singapore Chamber CFO Club organized a Cross Country CFO Webinar on Tuesday, 23rd Feb 2021.
IFCCI Cross Country CFO Webinar
CFO Committee(India) and CFO Club(Singapore)
IFCCI CFO Committee and French Singapore Chamber CFO Club organized a Cross Country CFO Webinar & Virtual CFO Networking Session (Exclusive to CFOs and Finance Heads) on Tuesday, 23rd Feb 2021, 12noon - 1:15pm (IST).
The session began with opening remarks from Ms. Rishika Roy- Head committees and events (North) followed by a introduction of the French Chambers in India and Singapore and their Respective CFOs : Mr. Sugata Sircar - CFO & Country Finance Partner, Greater India at Schneider Electric India and Chairman of the IFCCI CFO Committee and Mr. Philippe Rousset, CFO APAC of SOCOMEC and co-president of the FCCS Financial & Fintech Committee and CFO Club.
Further, Francoise Huang, Senior Economist for APAC at Euler Hermes Singapore provided an outlook for growth in Asia Pacific in 2021. Mr. Puneet Sabharwal, CFO, Citroen India, Group PSA and Vice-Chairman, IFCCI CFO Committee gave his insights for Growth Estimation in Indian Business – , priority investment areas, risk management, GDP Growth, increased investments in R&D ,Impact of Covid and recovery using a Four Pillar strategy of : Containment Strategy, Fiscal reforms , Financial reforms and Long term structural reforms. Some of the key discussion points were:
- How should companies estimate growth in the next two years in India/APAC?
- What would be the priority investment areas for CFOs, to leverage the growth projections in India/APAC
- Investments can be in production capability, automation, digitization of processes, etc
- How should they tweak the forecasting mechanism, to be agile with the rapid changes in environment?
- How should they manage risk?
Following this the Q&A session and Virtual CFO Networking took place. The session ended with closing remarks from Mr. Phillipe Rousset and vote of thanks by Ms. Rishika Roy.