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GRSE signs MoU with French naval defence company to manufacture surface ships

Under the MoU, the two entities will collaborate and engage to offer high-end surface ships based on sea proven design, developed for export market

Having built over 100 warships for Indian and foreign naval forces, GRSE will work closely with French and Indian industries.

In a revolutionary step towards the transition from ‘Make in India’ to ‘Make from India’, Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd., (GRSE), Kolkata, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Naval Group France, a leader in European Naval Defence Industry to collaborate in the field of the surface ship that caters to fulfil the requirement of India and international Naval forces.

The GRSE has informed that the MOU was signed by Commodore. PR Hari, IN (Retd), Director (Personnel) GRSE.Under the MoU, the two entities will collaborate and engage to offer high-end surface ships based on sea proven ‘Gowind® design’, developed for the export market. Having built over 100 warships for Indian and foreign naval forces, GRSE will work closely with French and Indian industries.

The MoU also seeks to leverage the capabilities of both firms for meeting the growing requirements of the shipbuilding industry and offer a robust world-class product utilising the state-of-the-art capabilities of both organisations. This blend of modern technology, innovation and management of resources by Indian and French naval industrial leaders will be a real value proposition for international navies, GRSE said.

Source : The Statesman

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