Event report

Demystifying the New Wage Code

IFCCI HR Committee in association with Trilegal conducted a webinar on 15th November 2022

IFCCI HR Committee in association with Trilegal conducted a webinar on 15th November 2022 on “Demystifying the New Wage Code”. The webinar was very much appreciated and was attended by 140 participants.

At the outset, Sapnna Verma, Head HR & Recruitment Services, introduced the leadership of the IFCCI HR Committee, which is led by Laurent Ladroyes, Chairperson, Nasir Usman Shaikh  Vice Chairperson and Shalin Nair Vice Chairperson.

We welcomed our speaker, Atul Gupta (tag), Partner – Labour and Employment Laws, Trilegal who then led the webinar along with his colleague Kanishka Maggon. 

During the webinar, Atul Gupta shed light on the obligations under the New Wage Code and the impact of the new definition of Wages. Furthermore, a detailed and informative presentation regarding the New Wage Code and how it affected the current scenario was also shared.

Laurent Ladroyes and Nasir Usman Shaikh also added their inputs to the discussion and moderated the Q & A Session which was very interactive.

The webinar ended with a Vote of Thanks by Sapnna Verma.  Live feedback was also received from the participants acknowledging IFCCI and Trilegal for such a thorough and educative session.

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