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COVID-19: Indo-French industry chamber releases white paper on challenges during lockdown

New Delhi, Apr 24 () The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry released a white paper on challenges being faced by companies of the two countries during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Among challenges, it said there is a difficulty in manufacturing and supply of raw materials for essential goods.

Giving its recommendations, the Chamber said there should be clear guidelines for support of goods, safe transport of workers from their homes to manufacturing units, implementation of longer tax carry-forward periods, deferment of GST collections, avoiding any increase in customs duties, and wage support.

"The nationwide lockdown in India has led to several challenges for the industry. The Chamber reached out to its member companies to understand the issues they are dealing with and these have been listed out in this document," said IFCCI President Sumeet Anand. RSN HRS

"The nationwide lockdown in India has led to several challenges for the industry. The Chamber reached out to its member companies to understand the issues they are dealing with and these have been listed out in this document," said IFCCI President Sumeet Anand. RSN HRS


Source : Business Insider

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