Event report

Chennai: Industries Committee Meeting On Privacy Law

The third industries committee meeting was held on the 11th January 2019 at IFCCI Chennai. The event was led by the Mr. Mukesh Chawla (COO – Legrand). The discussion commenced with a brief introduction of the Industries committee following which the event was taken forward by Mr.Prashant BM (Legal Counsel – Michelin Tyres) with a detailed presentation on Indian Privacy Law.

With a presence of about 10 members, the discussion touched upon various topics pertaining to Privacy law ranging from the importance of receiving consent for personal information, having designated grievance officers, data localisation in India to the concepts of Privacy by Design and Default and penalty implications for companies. Mr.Prashant further impressed upon the gathering the importance of formulating a strong Privacy committee within the companies.

The presentation was followed by a Q&A session and some valuable suggestions were provided as to how the Industries Committee meetings could be taken forward. The session ended with a brief outlook on the activities undertaken by the other sector committees over the past year.

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