Event report

Chennai: A Seminar On Regulatory Compliance For Manufacturing Companies In India

IFCCI, in association with the Tamil Nadu Guidance Bureau, organised a seminar on regulatory compliance for manufacturing companies in India today morning at Hotel Mercure, Sriperumbudur, Chennai.

The objective of the seminar was to help companies identify and address the various legal and regulatory compliance requirements in order to enable them to implement a standard management process as part of the working system.

The dignitaries who intervened at the conference included:

  • Ms. Catherine Suard, Consul General of France in Pondicherry & Chennai
  • Ms. Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, I.A.S., TN Guidance Bureau
  • Mr. Eisenhower S.N., President, IFCCI TN French Investors Committee & Director Operations, Saint Gobain Glass India.

The Consul General of France in Pondicherry & Chennai, Ms. Catherine Suard highlighted on the growing importance of France’s presence in Tamil Nadu and the presence of the branch office of the Consulate General of France in Chennai (Bureau de France) whose mandate is to encourage French investment in India and also vice-versa.

Ms. Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, I.A.S., detailed on the various facilitations; mainly through digitalisation put in place by the Government thereby facilitating businesses in the State. She also introuduced the gathering to the single window approval system put in place by the TN Government.

Government representatives from the departments of TN Pollution Control Board, Mr. A. Krishnamoorthy Joint Chief Environmental Engineer, Dr. S. Sakthivel, Director, TN Boiler Directorate, and Mr. Thiru S. Ananth, Joint Director, Department of Industrial Safety & Health, Govt. of Tamil Nadu further led discussions with regard to their respective sectors.

Mr. Syed Mohd Shah, District Fire Officer was also present representing the Fire Department.   This was followed by a knowledge session organised by SAS Partners Corporate Advisors on the criticality of data shared with corporate regulators. 

We would like to thank SAS Partners Corporate Advisors for partnering with us as our seminar partners and Hotel Mercure, Sriperumbudur for being our hospitality partner.

The seminar welcomed around 100 participants, members and non-members of IFCCI from various manufacturing companies in Chennai.

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