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Assam Girl Ambassador Of 'Promote Science' Initiative In France

NEW DELHI: Assam's Priyanka Das, working on satellite navigation for French major Safran, has been appointed ambassador for an initiative in France to encourage girls to follow scientific careers and take it to higher education levels.

"For Girls and Science" initiative was launched in 2014 to promote more scientific vocations among young people, especially girls, and inspire them to become scientists of tomorrow and supported by the Ministry of National Education of France and the L'Oreal Foundation.

"As part of the programme, we meet middle school and high school students, and through talks and presentations, we try to clear the misconceptions about scientists and women in science," says 26-year-old Priyanka.

It is linked to the L'Oreal Women in Science programme that awards five women scientists each year in collaboration with UNESCO.

Priyanka, who has her roots in Assam, is pursuing her PhD and working in R&D with a team of experts in the Navigation Systems division of Safran.

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