Event report

Webinar: IFCCI Committees Leadership Panel discussion at IFCCI's 43rd AGM

Panel Discussions with Sectoral and Functional Committee Leadership of IFCCI on the sidelines of IFCCI's 43rd AGM on 24 September 2020

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Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized Panel Discussions with Sectoral and Functional Committee Leadership of IFCCI on the sidelines of IFCCI's 43rd AGM on 24 September 2020 - "India as a Global hub for Market and Manufacturing" and "How to build businesses in India?

Panel discussion 1

India as a Global hub for Market and Manufacturing

The Session commenced with Welcoming Remarks by Ms. Payal S Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI, followed by Opening Remarks by Ms. Rishika Roy, Head - Committees & Events (North) and introduced all panelists.

Mr. Nicolas Ribollet, Partner, Mazars moderated the first Panel discussion, beginning from Dr. Arun Jaura, MD, Michelin India Technology Centre highlighted the idea of Make in India and the level of potential and growth industries can achieve in India. Even emphasized, government’s initiative to encourage startups to grow in automotive market.

Moving ahead, Mr. Sugata Sircar, CFO,  Schneider Electric India shared the geographical leverage for industries in India. As for augmenting the manufacturing potential, country needs have well equipped infrastructure for which 5 years plan of government is efficient.

Maj. Ranjeet Goswami, Head, Corporate Affairs, Tata Consultancy Services added IT Company’s undertaking in manufacturing sector of India, especially in this new normal, where all industries are adapting digitalization, even undertaking of IT industry in increasing efficiency and reducing the cost of manufacturing.

Lastly, Mr. Tommy Nyugen, VP- Head, Investment Amundi and Head- Investment Porfolio, SBI Mutual Funds (TBC) shared that India is 2nd Largest Market for Mobile Manufacturing and shared the perspective of investor and growing out shift of production in India.

This was followed by a brief question and answer round with the participants.

Panel Discussion 2

How to build businesses in India?

Ms. Rishika Roy, Head - Committees & Events (North)  opened the second round of panel discussion and introduced all the panellists. Ms. Kosturi Ghosh, Trilegal, moderated the session.

Mr. Anurag Pratap, India Digital and Sustainability Leader, Capgemini India, he emphasized the factors which boost and encourage the French companies to expand in India. Also, he stated emerging trend of skilling and increasing skilled youth in industries.

Furthermore, Mr. Rajiv Chauhan, General Counsel and Executive Vice President Legal of Compliances, Pernod Ricard South Asia, optimistically expressed potential of India with emerging new business from French companies and the way country adapted new working culture during the pandemic.

Mr. Puneet Sabharwal, CFO, Citroen Group (PSA) shared experience of automotive industries in India, he pointed out some legal and economic hindrances while executing business in India but also exclaimed that with new sustainable reforms coming up, the country is moving in correct direction.

It was an interactive session with over 60 participants joining the session.

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