Event report

Session on Opportunities and Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain Industry

IFCCI under the aegis of Logistics & Supply Chain and Retail Committees organized a Session on Opportunities & Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain.

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On 2nd June 2023, the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organized a Session on Opportunities & Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain Industry. This was a joint initiative of IFCCI Logistics & Supply Chain and Retail Committees.  

Ms. Shweta Pahuja, Regional Director-Western Region, IFCCI welcomed the panellists and members and introduced IFCCI Committees to the participants.

Mr. Vaibhav Vohra, Chairperson, IFCCI Logistics & Supply Chain Committee and Managing Director, Continental Carriers Pvt. Ltd., while highlighting the context for the Session, mentioned about the changing trends and several issues that the retail industry faces with respect to supply chain, logistics, procurement, inventory levels and management, pricing of raw material as well as the end consumer prices.

This was followed by the Theme Address by Mr. Ganesh Parameswaran, Vice-Chairperson, IFCCI Retail Committee and General Counsel- Asia, Africa and Group Supply Chain, BIC Cello India Pvt. Ltd. who talked about these aspects from the industry perspective.

The Panel Discussion on the core topic was moderated by Ms. Ashu Thakur, Founder and CEO, Ashu Thakur and Associates.

During the Panel, the first Panellist, Mr. Anshuman Neil Basu, Executive Director, SCM Programs Pvt Ltd & Secretary General, Association of Supply Chain Professional (India) emphasized on the fact that the term ‘Supply chain’ will eventually be replaced by the term ‘responsible chain’ across the globe. Also, the term ‘Just in Time’ has been replaced by ‘Just in Case’ already. In his remarks, he also advocated for ‘Customer delight’ along with ‘Customer Satisfaction’.

The second panellist, Mr. Anoop Bansal, Co-Founder, Unpause Consulting Pvt. Ltd. highlighted the post pandemic reforms in India’s supply chain like introduction of GST, upgrading infrastructure, creating freight corridor, digitalisation, creation of National supply chain policy, ULIP, Gati shakti etc. He also talked about the rising aspirations in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities that calls for better supply chain systems and services across the country.

The third panellist, Mr. Sudeep Gupta, Founder and CEO, Store My Goods mentioned about the increasing demand of different kinds of warehouses in India especially post the pandemic and the important role of technological advancements in near future. He believed that manpower will always be required alongwith technology to back up your services.

The Session was moderated by Ms. Rishika Roy, Head – Committees & Partnerships, IFCCI.

The session ended with a Q&A session and Concluding remarks by Mr. Ramnath Subramaniam, CEO, TVS Industrial and Logistics Parks and Mr. Damien SAUVAGE, Vice Chairperson, IFCCI Logistics and Supply Chain Committee & Deputy Commercial Director, CMA CGM Agencies. They thanked the Speakers and the Committee members for the enriching discussions and for making this webinar a huge success.   

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