Event report

Roundtable Session on the occasion of International Women’s Day on “What does it mean to be a Woman in Power”

Alliance Française de Delhi & IFCCI in collaboration with United Nations Information Centre organized a Roundtable Session on Women's Day.


Alliance Française de Delhi & Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with United Nations Information Centre organized a Roundtable Session on the occasion of International Women’s Day on “What does it mean to be a Woman in Power”. The event was held on 10th March 2021 at ML Bharati Auditorium, New Delhi.  

Guest speakers were eminent women from diverse fields - 

Ms. Dana Purcarescu (Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of France)

Ms. Nathalie Dickeli (CEO, Superga Beauty India)

Ms. Christie Samandari (Co-founder, L'Opera)

Ms. Meenakshi Gopinath (Founder-Director, WISCOMP & Former Principal, LSR College) 

Ms. Lubinisha Saha ( Head of Legal& Compliance, India & South Asia, Airbus)

Ms. Neeta Bali (Director-Principal & Head of School  at GD Goenka World School)

The session was moderated by Ms. Manisha Pande (Executive Editor, Newslaundry). 

The conversation was inspiring and revolved around the challenges they faced and how they had defied the odds to reach where they are today. The event was followed by a cocktail reception.


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