Event report

PAN INDIA: Webinar On Workforce Considerations For Business Continuity In Times Of COVID-19

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) under the aegis of the IFCCI HR Committee and in association with Khaitan & Co, organised a webinar on "Workforce Considerations for Business Continuity, presented by Mr. Anshul Prakash, Partner - Employment, Labour and Benefits Practice, Khaitan & Co.


The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) under the aegis of the IFCCI HR Committee and in association with Khaitan & Co, organised a webinar on "Workforce Considerations for Business Continuity, presented by Mr. Anshul Prakash, Partner - Employment, Labour and Benefits Practice, Khaitan & Co.

It was an informative session and some of the important points that were covered in the webinar included, Duties & obligations of employers’ & employees, Containment measures, Planning business continuity, regulatory matters etc. The webinar was attended by 39 members.

We thank Mr. Anshul Prakash and Team Khaitan for their valuable time and insights.

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