Event report

PAN India : Webinar on After the COVID-19 crisis: Reflecting on Sustainable Development, Public Policies and Changes in our Societies

IFCCI organized a webinar on After the COVID-19 crisis in association with Sciences Po on 7th May 2020

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The session opened with a welcome address by Mr. Sumeet Anand, President, IFCCI and Founder & CEO, Indsight followed by Mr. Aymeric de Reynies, Vice President (Western Region), IFCCI and Senior Country Officer, Credit Agricole and Ms. Sophie Collect, Representative to India, Sciences Po

Addressing in his keynote speech Dr. Sebastien Treyer, Executive Director of IDDRI-Sciences Po and a renowned Professor, briefed participants about the current situation amidst COVID-19 in Paris and its impact globally. He shared an overview on how to prepare after the lockdown on public policies and international negotiations on sustainable development.

Highlighted the following significant points to be taken into consideration:

  • Realpolitik – Analyzing the situation seen from someone living in confinement in Europe, the economic downfall and political failure of management caused due to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Health crisis and pandemic risks: links with environment degradation: Imparting knowledge by explaining the Role of Science while experiencing the vivid connect as a global community
  • Socio-economic crisis and its impacts as the nature of the crisis is uncertain, its time for a new social contract of Reliefs, Recover and Reform
  • Green recovery “Can we build back better” Emphasizing on the need for a reform towards public policies and social infrastructure. To be considerate of our green recovery plans.
  • Business and local Authorities: Resilience? Thinking of better energy solutions and implementing long term horizons in green projects, tourism, agro-food industry
  • International cooperation recognizing power but also rules and people lead taken by UN for reconstructing a stronger and capable environment by social development

Mr. Bruno Bronquard, Regional Director, IFCCI shared his closing remarks while thanking Dr. Sebastien Treyer, for such an informative and engaging session

This insightful session was joined by 50+ participants which concluded with an interactive Q&A Session.

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