Event report

New Delhi : Workshop on 'Art of Networking'


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The Higher Education Committee of the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) conducted its second breakfast-led training session on “The Art of Networking” for the alumni of its members on Saturday, the 31st August 2019 at IFCCI Boardroom, New Delhi in partnership with Rennes School of Business.

The event began with a brief introduction of the trainer Ms. Maud Le Bars, Country Manager for Rennes School of Business in India and Chairman of the Higher Education Committee of IFCCI.

Mr. Mohit Dhingra – Head-Marketing Operations & PMO India at Orange Business Services, the esteemed guest for the session presented the concept of Networking as a managerial skill, how to network during events or meetings and what are the do's and dont's to keep in mind while connecting with professionals.

This was followed by a training by Ms. Maud Le Bars, Country Manager for Rennes School of Business in India who talked about the importance of networking, how to approach professionals and how to retain that connection. She also introduced a game of networking amongst the participants

The event saw an active participation from the Alumni of schools within the IFCCI Higher Education Committee and the session was interactive, informative and well received by all the participants.

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