Event report

New Delhi : Second Meeting - IFCCI HR Committee

Points of Discussion:

1. Seema Ahluwalia- Chairman and Ankita Gupta- Vice Chairman welcomed the members and briefed about the achievement by the committee
2. The members suggested some topics of interest for training/workshops through Webinar. It was decided to conduct a survey to select the next topics for the Webinar
3. Mr. Krishnanand N. Bhat, Principal, SKP Group gave a session on GDPR from an HR Perspective. It was a very informative and interactive session
4. Mr. Ravishankar Iyer, VP Sales at Sodexo SVC India Pvt presented Tax saving aspects of the Meal voucher of Sodexo
5. Members discussed about upcoming events of HR Committee: - 3rd HR Committee meeting in Mumbai  - Speed Networking Event of IFCCI 
We ended the meeting with a brief networking session which was sponsored by ESK India and Moet Hennessy. We thank Seema Ahluwalia and Ankita Gupta for the same. 

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