Event report

Mumbai : Exclusive Breakfast Session with Mr. Emmanuel Lulin, Senior Vice President and Chief Ethics Officer, L'Oréal

IFCCI in association with L'Oréal India organised an Exclusive Breakfast Session with Mr. Emmanuel Lulin, Senior Vice President and Chief Ethics Officer, L'Oréal on the topic 'Advancing Business Ethics in an Organisation' on Tuesday, 3rd December 2019.

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The session commenced by Mr Nicolas Simon, Vice-President of IFCCI Western Region who warmly welcomed the guests and the speaker for the day Mr. Emmanuel Lulin while highlighting the role of IFCCI as a chamber, promoting business and development between both Indian and French Companies.

We then began with the session of Mr Emmanuel Lulin, an expert in Business ethics and who has harnessed the power of a giant cosmetics company with more than 80,000 employees in 150 countries.

Ethics being the core component of his discussion, he highlighted some subject issues which included ethical dilemma during profit, gains and change in attitude during the time of recession, loss and failure. Handling mass market with global customers, being transparent and emphasising on the value of compliance and accountability, as he wisely quoted “Lacking integrity is like losing the license to succeed”.

During his session, he threw light on the ethics programme that is integrated into the French multinational’s daily operations and long-term strategic decisions. It also included key factors like L’Oréal for Women, a signed commitment to UN with respect for LGBT and promoting equal growth to international brand managers while investing in high potential employees.

Elaborating on how the transformation which started a decade ago aligns with the company’s ethics, diversity, CSR and philanthropy programmes with the SDGS.  As ethical standards evolve over time, L’Oréal has earned the competitive advantage by enhancing its reputation as a responsible corporate enterprise.

Before concluding, he made a mention that India has huge assets to contribute to culture and ethics of the business world.

He summed up this knowledgeable session on a positive note by quoting “Trust is the currency of ethics”. The floor was then open to Q&A.

A big thanks to L’Oréal for their partnership in making this event a grand success. The event was well received and appreciated by all.

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