Event report

Masterclass on POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

IFCCI in collaboration with Priti Suri & Associates (PSA) organized a Masterclass on POSH on 9th February 2023.

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The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI), in collaboration with Priti Suri & Associates (PSA) organized a Masterclass on POSH on 9th February 2023, with an aim to explain the fundamentals and the nuances of conducting an investigation, parties rights and duties in the process, as well as hurdles on the path and what needs to be done to overcome them.

Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Manager – Committees & Events, IFCCI welcomed the participants and the speaker for the Session Ms. Urvika Suri, Principal Associate, PSA (Priti Suri & Associates).

Ms. Urvika Suri provided a thorough explanation on the POSH committee's composition, procedures, process for registering complaints, conducting inquiries, and other aspects. The masterclass was extremely educational and stimulating for the participants who indulged in the interaction with keen interest.
The Session was attended by 70 members.

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